You can have a huge positive impact by donating even a small amount to effective charities.

Many people in our network have pledged part of their income to effective charities.

You can switch career paths to pursue high-impact jobs directly.

Financial work experience can be a useful form of flexible career capital. Many financial organisations are well-respected and have a reputation for high performance. The skills gained while working in finance, such as analysis, problem-solving & efficiency, can be transferable to high-impact jobs.

This could include pivoting within finance, or finding impactful areas in your current organisation.

You can leverage your network to do good.

You can partner with organisations such as One for the World to host a talk in your workplace on highly cost-effective charities. Your colleagues may want to be doing more good and would be interested to hear about analytical and data-driven research on how to have the most philanthropic impact.

Get in touch if you would like to talk about impact.